Note: The Alt-SEED is now required for all students, including grades 9 and 10.

Alt-SEED Only User Status can be obtained on the Training and Proficiency website for those who will not be administering any ORExt subject area assessments, but will need to administer the Alt-SEED.


The Student Educational Equity Development Survey (SEED) will help the Oregon Department of Education gather information about the educational experiences of students in Oregon. This information will help ODE to develop appropriate resources and supports for districts in Oregon, and better target those resources and supports where they are most needed. The SEED Survey will also help ODE better interpret information we are already gathering through statewide testing.

SEED Survey information may also help districts develop a fuller picture of their local contexts and make strategic modifications to curriculum, instruction, and para-academic supports that they offer students.

What is the Alt-SEED Survey?

The Alt-SEED Survey incorporates the schooling experiences of students in grades 3 through 8 and grade 11. The Alt-SEED has four constructs, which are what we are trying to measure in a manner that is as consistent as possible with the SEED Survey, across the grade bands, and include access to learning resources, opportunity to learn, independence, and sense of belonging. Research demonstrates that these constructs have strong associations with student outcomes. The Alt-SEED survey is delivered by Qualified Assessors and Qualified Trainers who would typically administer the Oregon Extended Assessment in a given school year. 

Where do I find the Alt-SEED Survey?

The Alt-SEED survey is located: 

In the electronic administration in the 'Student Test' or 'Data Entry' tabs listed after the ORora

The paper/pencil Alt-SEED survey can be found on the 'Materials' tab in the 'General Files' section. Data must then be entered in the 'Monitoring' tab of the Training and Proficiency site ( listed after the ORora.

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