How to Install the ORExt App

Using a web browser on a tablet device

The easiest way to access the ORExt on a tablet device is to open the web browser (safari, chrome, etc.) and type in the address:

Downloading the ORExt Testing Application

There are three different operating systems (for tablets) currently in use in Oregon schools: iOS, Android, and ChromeOS. Here are the instructions that are specific for each operating system:

iOS & Android

In the iOS App Store/Google Play Store, you will be able to find it under the name “ORExt” for the secure test application, and “ORExt PracticeTests” for the non-secure demo version.


1. Open your Chrome browser and Navigate to: 

For the Secure Version:

For the Non-Secure Practice Test Version:

2. From the (vertical 3 dots) options menu in the top right of the page select More Tools -> Add to Shelf

3. This will open a window where you can name it ‘ORExt’ (Or ‘ORExt PracticeTests’) and make sure the ‘Open as Window’ box is selected.

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