ORExt Electronic Test Install
Using a web browser on a tablet device
The easiest way to access the ORExt on a tablet device is to open the web browser (safari, chrome, etc.) and type in the address: https://orext.brtprojects.org/app
Downloading the ORExt Testing Application
There are three different operating systems (for tablets) currently in use in Oregon schools: iOS, Android, and ChromeOS. Here are the instructions that are specific for each operating system:
- Open your browser and Navigate to:
For the Secure Version: https://orext.brtprojects.org/app
For the Non-Secure Practice Test Version: https://orext-practicetests.brtprojects.org/
- Click on the download icon in the top right hand corner and select 'Add to Home Screen'
- Name the icon ORExt and select 'Add'
- Open your browser and Navigate to:
For the Secure Version: https://orext.brtprojects.org/app
For the Non-Secure Practice Test Version: https://orext-practicetests.brtprojects.org/
- Click on the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner and select 'Install app'
- Select 'Install'
- Select 'Add to home screen'
- Place icon on home screen
1. Open your Chrome browser and Navigate to:
For the Secure Version: https://orext.brtprojects.org/app
For the Non-Secure Practice Test Version: https://orext-practicetests.brtprojects.org/
2. From the (vertical 3 dots) options menu in the top right of the page select More Tools -> Add to Shelf
3. This will open a window where you can name it ‘ORExt’ (Or ‘ORExt PracticeTests’) and make sure the ‘Open as Window’ box is selected.