Paper/Pencil Data Entry

Once a roster is completed, paper/pencil data entry is available in 2 locations. On the Training and Proficiency Site, within ‘Student Details’ - ‘Monitoring’ and on the electronic/tablet app in the 'Data Entry' tab. Primary eligibility codes are required to gain access to data entry. 

Student Details - Monitoring

Assessors will select the student and subject area for data entry by clicking on blue 'N' (Not Started) link. Data entry is completed by selecting the student's response of A, B, or C or 'No Answer'. Writing items are the only items scored by the administrator and will have 0/1 options for data entry. After all data is entered, click ‘Save Submission’ to complete the data entry process.

Note: If the item was presented to the student, but the student did not respond, the assessor will need to select 'No Answer'. All items not presented and left blank will be coded as Not Administered and will not count toward minimum participation. See Minimum Participation below. 


Electronic application - 'Data Entry' tab

On the electronic app, using the 'Data Entry' tab, assessors will be taken through the electronic assessment in data entry mode (without audio) and select each student response of A, B, or C. Writing items that were taken Paper/Pencil will need to be scored in the 'Manual Grading' tab (see 'Electronic Scoring, Data Entry, and Reports' in 'Electronic Administration' section). 

NOTE: If the item was presented to the student, but the student did not respond, the assessor will need to select 'No Answer'. All items not presented and left blank will be coded as Not Administered and will not count toward minimum participation. See Minimum Participation section. After completion of assessment and data entry, all paper materials need to be securely disposed of (via shredding, etc.). 

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